Gourmet food, grasp is my stomach, bloom is my taste buds. Beautiful foo
1、把眼睛留给风光,把体重留给美食。Leave your eyes to the scenery and your weight to the food.
2、美食和风景,可以抵抗全世界所有的悲伤和迷惘。Food and scenery can resist all the sadness and confusion in the world.
3、热腾腾的饭,才能融化内心的孤岛Hot food, to melt the heart of the island.4、美食,抓住的是我的胃,绽放的是我的味蕾美好食光,饥刻开始!Gourmet food, grasp is my stomach, bloom is my taste buds. Beautiful food light, hunger engraved start!。
5、吃乎,胖也;不吃,馋也Eat, will be fat; do not eat, and greedy.6、我在发胖,见者有份Im getting fat. Ive got everything I see.。
7、说多了,全是口水 ,吃吧!Say too much, all is saliva, eat!
8、好好吃饭,任何事情都不值得以牺牲健康为代价Eat well. Nothing is worth sacrificing your health.9、时光掠去催人老,谁道夕阳几度红;舌尖上的生活Time swept to make people old, who way a few degrees of red sunset; A tongue of life.
10、美食治愈一切,一口一口吃掉伤痛Food cures everything. Bite by bite, bite by bite.11、吃喜欢的东西,过可爱的人生Eat what you love and live a lovely life.。
12、美食眼前过,只看不吃是罪过!It is a sin to look at delicious food and not eat it!
13、生活不止诗和远方,还有眼前的美食Life is not only poetry and distance, but also the present food.14、我是一个勇敢的人,在美食面前从不退缩,即使吃完胖二斤!。
I am a brave person, never flinch in front of delicious food, even after eating fat two jin!
15、我总徘徊在吃饱和吃撑之间Im always on the verge of saturation.16、吃得圆圆的,自给的安全感足足的Eating round, self-sufficiency of the sense of security is sufficient.。
