

2024-05-26Aix XinLe

A trip 一次旅行根据范例可以这样简单写:We went to shanghai last Friday.We came back last



A trip 一次旅行根据范例可以这样简单写:We went to shanghai last Friday.We came back last Sunday.We went there by plane . We went to the Huangpu River.We had a good time.

具体写作指点思路如下:一、 写作思路提示>开头Last year I went to Beijing with my aunt.去年我和姑姑去北京了中间Beijing is very beautiful. The food in Beijing is very delicious.。

北京非常美丽北京的食物非常好吃结尾I hope to go to Beijing again.我希望再次去北京二.写作步骤详解>1. 如何写好开头①介绍自己旅行的时间、地点和人物示例:Last year, I went to the Great Wall with my parents.。

译文:去年,我和父母一起去了长城②用疑问句引出下文示例:Do you like travelling?译文:你喜欢旅行吗?2. 如何写好中间①描写目的地的天气以及景色示例:It is sunny in Hainan.。

译文:海南的天气很晴朗②描写旅行目的地进行的活动示例:In Beijing,we saw the Great Wall. It was very beautiful.译文:我们在日本看到了长城,它非常美丽。

3. 如何写好结尾①描写自己的心情示例:I am very happy.译文:我非常开心②描写自己的收获示例:I took a lot of pictures and learnt a lot about Beijing.。

译文:我照了很多照片还学到了很多有关北京的知识③表达自己的意愿示例:I hope to go to Beijing again.译文:我希望能够再去北京经典范文My trip to the Great Wall。

This morning my classmates and I got up early to visit the Great Wall. We got there by bus. On our way to the Great Wall,we saw a lot of green fields. When we arrived there,we were very excited. We climbed the Great Wall,and it was very tiring. My friend wanted to give up,but we encouraged her and then we climbed to the top of the Great Wall. From this, I know that if you try your best,you can do anything.


从这件事情,我明白了一个道理,只要尽最大努力,你就能成功经典范文A trip to YunnanLast year I went to Yunnan with my mother. Yunnan is very beautiful. You can enjoy fresh air,green trees and blue sky there. Yunnan is not hot in summer or cold in winter, so people call Kunming,the capital of Yunnan, "the Spring City". The people there are friendly. They like to give you a hand. So Yunnan is a beautiful place with nice weather and kind people. Do you think so?





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