

2024-05-21Aix XinLe

以下是五篇有关旅游研学的中考英语双语作文:作文一Last summer vacation, I went on a study tour to



以下是五篇有关旅游研学的中考英语双语作文:作文一Last summer vacation, I went on a study tour to Beijing. I visited many famous places like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. Standing on the Great Wall, I felt so proud of this great wonder. The Forbidden City showed me the grandeur of ancient architecture. The trip not only broadened my horizons but also let me deeply understand the history and culture of our country. It was an unforgettable experience.


这是一次难忘的经历作文二During the winter holiday, I had a wonderful study tour to Xian. I was amazed by the Terracotta Army. Its really a miracle. I also walked along the ancient city wall and felt the long history. In addition, I tasted the delicious local food. This trip made me fall in love with this historical city. I learned a lot and it will always remain in my memory.


作文三I went on a study tour to Hangzhou with my classmates. We visited the beautiful West Lake and enjoyed the scenery there. We also learned about the local culture and traditions. We took a boat ride on the lake and it was so peaceful and relaxing. The trip was a great opportunity to learn and have fun at the same time.

我和同学们一起去杭州进行研学旅行我们参观了美丽的西湖,欣赏了那里的景色我们还了解了当地的文化和传统我们在湖上泛舟,那是如此的平静和放松这次旅行是一个同时学习和享受乐趣的好机会作文四Our school organized a study tour to Guilin. The mountains and waters in Guilin are just like beautiful paintings. We went to the Reed Flute Cave and were shocked by the strange stalactites and stalagmites. We also experienced the local folk customs. This trip let me know more about the charm of nature and the diversity of culture.。

我们学校组织了一次去桂林的研学旅行桂林的山水就像美丽的画卷我们去了芦笛岩,被奇异的钟乳石和石笋所震撼我们还体验了当地的民俗风情这次旅行让我更多地了解了大自然的魅力和文化的多样性作文五I took part in a study tour to Lijiang. The ancient town of Lijiang is full of unique charm. I walked on the cobblestone streets and felt the slow pace of life. I visited many historical buildings and learned about the history and culture of the Naxi people. This trip made me cherish the traditional culture more and I hope to have more such opportunities in the future.。




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