

2024-05-22Aix XinLe

Hello.你好。My name is Emma, and in today's video I'm going to talk



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我的名字是艾玛,在今天的视频中,我将谈论我喜欢的东西,那就是旅行So, if you like travelling too, if youre planning on going on a vacation, or if you know somebody whos travelling, this video will be very, very helpful to you.。

所以,如果你也喜欢旅行,如果你打算去度假,或者如果你认识一个正在旅行的人,这个视频对你非常有帮助In this video Im going to teach you some very important verbs.。

在这个视频中,我将教你一些非常重要的动词Theyre all phrasal verbs, and Ill explain what a phrasal verb is in a moment.它们都是短语动词,我稍后会解释什么是短语动词。

So, these are all verbs that we use when were talking about travel. Okay. So, to get started, I wanted to tell you a little bit about phrasal verbs.

所以,这些都是我们在谈论旅行时使用的动词好所以,为了开始,我想告诉你们一些关于短语动词的信息What is a phrasal verb?什么是短语动词?One of the difficulties students have with English are verbs where you have a verb and a preposition.。

学生在英语方面遇到的困难之一是动词,你有一个动词和一个介词So, when you see a verb and a preposition together, thats a phrasal verb.。

所以,当你看到一个动词和一个介词在一起时,那就是一个短语动词Now, you might be thinking: " Whats a preposition? " Good question.现在,您可能会想:"什么是介词?问得好。

Im going to give you an example.我给大家举个例子We have here four words, each of these is a phrasal verb.我们这里有四个词,每个词都是短语动词。

They all have the verb " get" : " get in" , " get up" , " get on" , " get over" , and theres many more, " get away" .

他们都有动词"get":"get in","get up","get on","get over",还有更多,"get away"Theres tons of them.有很多Each of these actually can have multiple meanings, too.。

这些中的每一个实际上也可以具有多种含义So, one of the most difficult parts about English is learning phrasal verbs, because this, the blue part is the preposition, it can change the meaning of the verb.。

所以,关于英语最困难的部分之一是学习短语动词,因为这个,蓝色部分是介词,它可以改变动词的含义So, prepositions are words like: " on" , " off" , " up" , " down" , " toward" , " over" , " away" , these types of words are prepositions.。

因此,介词是诸如"开","关","上","下","朝","上","上","远",这些类型的词都是介词So, youll notice with phrasal verbs, theyre very, very common in conversation.。

所以,你会注意到短语动词,它们在对话中非常非常普遍Theyre. . .他们是...You can write them down, too, but in general, when people talk they often use phrasal verbs.。

你也可以把它们写下来,但一般来说,当人们说话时,他们经常使用短语动词So, theyre very, very important, especially when youre talking about going on a trip with your friends or family.。

所以,它们非常非常重要,特别是当你谈论与朋友或家人一起去旅行时So lets look at some of the common phrasal verbs we use when were talking about trips.。

因此,让我们看一下我们在谈论旅行时使用的一些常用短语动词The first verb I want to teach you: " Drop off" .我想教你的第一个动词:"放下"Okay?好?So: " drop" is the verb, " off" is the preposition, together: " drop off" is a phrasal verb.

所以:"drop"是动词,"off"是介词,一起:"drop off"是一个短语动词What does this mean: " drop off" ?这是什么意思:"下车"?When you " drop someone off" it means youre taking them to a place and then you leave them there.。

当你"把某人放下"时,这意味着你把他们带到一个地方,然后你把他们留在那里So, for example, maybe your friend needs to go to the airport, so you drive them to the airport and you drop them off at the airport.。

所以,例如,也许你的朋友需要去机场,所以你开车送他们去机场,然后把他们送到机场This means you take them there and you leave them in that place.。

这意味着你把它们带到那里,然后把它们留在那个地方So they dont come home with you; they stay there.所以他们不和你一起回家;他们呆在那里So, for example, I have a friend named Frank, and when Frank goes travelling: " We drop Frank off at the airport." So, we drive Frank to the airport, he has all his luggage, his suitcases, and then we say to Frank: " Goodbye, Frank, you know, have a nice trip." We drop Frank off at the airport.。


You can also use " drop off" in a lot of other situations.您还可以在许多其他情况下使用"下车"For example, when you were a child maybe your parents, your mom or your dad, or maybe your grandparents dropped you off at school.。

例如,当你还是个孩子的时候,也许你的父母,你的妈妈或你的爸爸,或者你的祖父母把你送到学校This means that they took you to school, and then once you got to school, they would say goodbye to you and they would leave.。

这意味着他们带你去上学,然后一旦你到了学校,他们就会和你说再见,然后他们就会离开So: " drop off" means you take someone to a place, and then you leave them there.。

所以:"下车"意味着你把某人带到一个地方,然后你把他们留在那里Youll also notice. . .您还会注意到...So, I have here the verb and the preposition.。

所以,我这里有动词和介词" Frank" is a name of a person and its in the middle of " drop" and " off" ."弗兰克"是一个人的名字,它位于"下降"和"离开"的中间。

So, these two are not together.所以,这两者不是在一起的We drop somebody off at the airport.我们在机场送人So, sometimes with phrasal verbs. . .。

所以,有时用短语动词...For some phrasal verbs you actually separate them, and you can put the names of somebody between them; for other ones you cant do that.

对于一些短语动词,你实际上将它们分开,你可以把某人的名字放在它们之间;对于其他人,你不能这样做For this one: " drop off" , you put the name between the two. . .。

对于这个:"下车",你把名字放在两者之间......Between the verb and the preposition.在动词和介词之间So, now lets look at another example of a common phrasal verb.。

所以,现在让我们看一个常见短语动词的另一个例子" See off" ."送行" So, again, we have " off" in both of these.所以,再一次,我们在这两个方面都有"关闭"。

" See off" is when. . ."送行"是当...Its similar to " drop off" , but its a little bit different.它类似于"下车",但它有点不同。

Sometimes your family or your friends are going away for a long time, maybe theyre going on a vacation or a trip, so you want to " see them off" .

有时你的家人或朋友要离开很长一段时间,也许他们要去度假或旅行,所以你想"看到他们离开"It means you want to say goodbye to them at the airport, at the train station, maybe at their house.。

这意味着你想在机场,火车站,也许在他们家和他们说再见So, its that goodbye you say before somebody goes off on a vacation.所以,这是你在有人去度假之前说的再见。

So, for example: " We see Frank off." Frank is going to Australia, so we go to the airport because we want to say goodbye to Frank, so: " We see Frank off" is another way to say: " We say goodbye to Frank when he goes on his trip." All right, so now lets look at. . .

所以,例如:"我们看到弗兰克离开了弗兰克要去澳大利亚,所以我们去机场,因为我们想和弗兰克说再见,所以:"我们看到弗兰克走了"是另一种说法:"当弗兰克去旅行时,我们向他道别好了,现在让我们来看看...Oh, and again, similar to " drop off" , notice where " Frank" is.

哦,再说一遍,类似于"下车",注意"弗兰克"在哪里" We see Frank off." , " Frank" is between the verb and the preposition."我们看到弗兰克走了","弗兰克"介于动词和介词之间。

So, we see somebody off.所以,我们看到有人离开了" We see our mother off." , " We see our father off." , " We see our friend off." So, this is the way you use this phrasal verb.。

"我们看到我们的母亲离开了,","我们看到我们的父亲离开了所以,这就是你使用这个短语动词的方式Now, lets look at some other phrasal verbs that have to do with travel.。

现在,让我们看一些与旅行有关的其他短语动词Okay, so our next phrasal verb is very important when were talking about the airport.。

好吧,当我们谈论机场时,我们的下一个短语动词非常重要So, if youve ever been on an airplane, you should know this word: " take off" .。

所以,如果你曾经坐过飞机,你应该知道这个词:"起飞"So, the meaning of " take off" is this is when the airplane leaves the airport and flies away.。

所以,"起飞"的意思是,这是当飞机离开机场并飞走时So, if this is the airplane, it takes off.所以,如果这是飞机,它就会起飞Its the opposite of " lands" .。

它与"土地"相反So: " takes off" means the airplane goes up into the sky.所以:"起飞"意味着飞机升空So, an example of this is very simple: " The plane takes off." Okay?。

所以,一个例子非常简单:"飞机起飞了好?" The plane takes off at 7 oclock." Again, " takes" and " off" are together, so theres nothing separating them.。

"飞机在7点钟起飞同样,"take"和"off"是一起的,所以没有什么可以把它们分开All right, whats another important phrasal verb?好吧,另一个重要的短语动词是什么?。

We also have: " Get in" .我们还有:"进入" So, this also has to do with the airplane.所以,这也与飞机有关This is when the plane arrives at the airport.。

这是飞机到达机场的时候" . . . on an airport" , " plane arrives" , sorry." ...在机场","飞机到达",对不起The plane arrives at an airport.。

飞机抵达机场So, for example: " Franks plane gets in at 9 pm." We can also use this for a person.例如:"弗兰克的飞机在晚上9点进港。

我们也可以将其用于一个人When you say: " Frank gets in at 9 pm" , it pretty much means arrives.当你说:"弗兰克晚上9点进来"时,这几乎意味着到达。

So: " Frank gets in at 9 pm." , " Franks airplane gets in at 9 pm." We can also use this for train: " Franks train gets in at 9 pm." So, it means arrives.

所以:"弗兰克晚上9点进车,"弗兰克的飞机晚上9点进车我们也可以用它来训练:"弗兰克的火车在晚上9点上车所以,这意味着到达And we use it a lot when we talk about transportation, like planes and trains. Okay. The next one: " Check in" .。

当我们谈论交通时,我们经常使用它,比如飞机和火车好下一个:" 签到" " Check in" and " Check out" ."入住"和"退房"These are very important for when you stay at a hotel or a hostile.。

当您入住酒店或敌对酒店时,这些都非常重要So, when you check in, this means you register at the hotel.因此,当您办理入住手续时,这意味着您在酒店注册。

So, for example, I want to stay at a hotel, I want to sleep at the hotel, I go to the hotel and theres somebody at the front desk, and what do I say to them?

例如,我想住在酒店,我想睡在酒店,我去酒店,前台有人,我对他们说些什么?I say: " I would like to check in." " Frank checks in." , " Frank checks in to the hotel." So, this means Frank goes into the hotel, and he tells them: " Im here. I want a bed. I check in." Now, the opposite of this is " Check out" .

我说:"我想办理登机手续"弗兰克入住了"弗兰克入住了酒店所以,这意味着弗兰克走进酒店,他告诉他们:"我在这里我想要一张床我办理了入住手续现在,与此相反的是" 退房" This is when you leave the hotel, and you pay them the money for your stay there.。

这是你离开酒店的时候,你付给他们钱, 你在那里住的So, maybe you go to the hotel for five days, when you leave the hotel and you pay the money for those five days, thats when you check out.。

所以,也许你去酒店五天,当你离开酒店并支付这五天的钱时,那就是你退房的时候So, we can say: " Frank checks out." Now, lets look at a couple more phrasal verbs.。

所以,我们可以说:"弗兰克退房了现在,让我们再看几个短语动词Okay, so our next phrasal verb is: " set out" .好吧,所以我们的下一个短语动词是:"set out"。

" Set out" ."出发" So, what does it mean?那么,这意味着什么呢?When you set out it means you start. . .当你出发时,这意味着你开始...。

So, key word here is " start" .所以,这里的关键词是"开始"A journey, or you sometimes start a road trip.一段旅程,或者你有时会开始一次公路旅行。

So, its the beginning of usually a journey or a trip.所以,这通常是一段旅程或一次旅行的开始So, for example, imagine Frank, hes at the hotel and he wants to go on an adventure, he wants to explore.。

例如,想象一下弗兰克,他在酒店,他想去冒险,他想探索Maybe hes. . .也许他是...I said he was in Australia, maybe hes in Sydney, Australia, and he wants to explore Sydney, so we can say: " Frank set out early to explore." This means that Frank starts his journey early.。

我说他在澳大利亚,也许他在澳大利亚的悉尼,他想探索悉尼,所以我们可以说:"弗兰克很早就出发去探索了这意味着弗兰克很早就开始了他的旅程If youve ever gone on a road trip where you drove your car somewhere very far, you know, maybe you drove your car for three days to go somewhere, you can say: " Every day we set out early" or " we set out late" .。

如果你曾经去过一次公路旅行,你把车开到很远的地方,你知道,也许你开了三天的车去某个地方,你可以说:"我们每天都很早就出发了"或"我们出发晚了"So this means we began our trip early or we began our trip late.。

所以这意味着我们很早就开始了我们的旅行,或者我们很晚才开始我们的旅行So, " set out" means to start a journey.所以,"出发"意味着开始一段旅程Okay, our last one, very important: " pick up" .。

好的,我们的最后一个,非常重要:"拿起来"Okay, theres many different meanings of the word " pick up" .好吧,"捡起"这个词有很多不同的含义You can pick up the phone, you can pick something up with your hand.

你可以拿起电话,你可以用手拿起东西In this case its a little bit different when were talking about travel.在这种情况下,当我们谈论旅行时,情况会有所不同。

When were talking about " pick up" here, were talking about where you get someone from a place, and then you take them to another place.

当我们在这里谈论"接机"时,我们谈论的是你从哪里得到一个人,然后你把他们带到另一个地方So, for example, when Frank comes home, I will pick Frank up from the airport and take Frank home.。

例如,当弗兰克回家时,我会从机场接弗兰克,并带弗兰克回家So its where you. . .所以这就是你...Usually its youre in a car, not always, but usually you pick somebody up with your car, and you take them somewhere else.。

通常是你在车里,并不总是这样,但通常你用你的车去接某人,然后把他们带到别的地方So, for example: " Michelle picks Frank up in her car." So, maybe at the airport, she drives to the airport, Franks there from his long trip in Australia, and she picks him up.。

例如:"米歇尔在她的车里接弗兰克所以,也许在机场,她开车去机场,弗兰克在澳大利亚长途旅行,她接他Not literally, she doesnt lift him up. No. With her car, she takes him from the airport to his house. Okay. So, Id like you to come visit our website at www. engvid. com, and there, you can actually do a quiz to practice all the words you learned today and the grammar in these words.。

不是字面上的意思,她不会把他举起来不她用她的车把他从机场带到他家好所以,我希望你来访问我们的网站 在那里,你实际上可以做一个测验来练习你今天学到的所有单词和这些单词的语法So, I hope you check that out.

所以,我希望你能检查一下。And until next time, take care.下次再见,保重。



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