

2024-05-25Aix XinLe

London Vacation Travel Guide伦敦旅游指南London is situated in the South-East o



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伦敦旅游指南London is situated in the South-East of England in the Thames Valley.伦敦位于英格兰东南部的泰唔士河谷中Home to over 8 million people, the capital of the UK has been an important

financial, educational and cultural center for hundreds of years.英国首都伦敦拥有800万人口,数百年来一直是英国重要的金融、教育和文化中心。

Of the many gifts England has given to the world, none has been greater than her language and literature.

在英国贡献给世界的众多礼物中,最伟大的莫过于其语言和文学And if ever theres a city that reads like an epic saga, its London.如果说这世间有一城市堪比史诗传奇,那一定是伦敦。

The story of London began in the Bronze Age, but it didnt really get going until the Romans withdrew in the 5th century.

伦敦的历史始于青铜时代,但直至五世纪罗马人撤退后,这座城市才开始有所发展Growing into one of the great medieval trading cities, she truly came of age。

in the 11th century, when William the Conqueror built the Tower of London, which was to become one of Englands grimmest prisons.

伦敦逐渐发展成中世纪重要的贸易城市,直至十一世纪才真正地发达起来,当时征服者威廉兴建了伦敦塔,后来这里成为了英国最为阴森的一座监狱London is very easy to navigate around, and is 。

compact enough to explore on foot.伦敦的交通十分便利,各大景点布局紧凑,非常适合游客步行探索This world city is filled with iconic symbols。

, and one of the most easily recognizable is Tower Bridge, an impressive reminder of Londons rapid expansion during the Industrial Revolution.

这座国际城市随处可见极具代表性的地标,其中辨识度最高的莫过于伦敦塔桥,它象征着工业革命时期伦敦的快速扩张Just upriver, at the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben。

s reassuring chimes peal across the city every hour on the hour.往上游走一点,国会大厦的大本钟鼓舞人心的钟声整点准时响彻伦敦Buckingham Palace。

, perhaps the most famous palace in the world, is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth.白金汉宫,可以说是全世界最负盛名的宫殿,是伊丽莎白女王的寝宫和办公处。

Its a popular London attraction, offering tours of staterooms and gardens.白金汉宫是伦敦的热门景点,开放国事厅和花园供民众参观Nearby,

Kensington Palace is open to the public year-round.附近的肯辛顿宫则是终年开放供民众参观The palace and gardens will be remembered as the home of Princess Di and Prince Charles, and have recently 。

undergone a multimillion-pound refurbishment.肯辛顿宫及其花园曾是查尔斯王子和黛安娜王妃的住所,最近刚斥资数百万英镑加以整修翻新Another legacy of Englands monarchy are the royal parks of London.。

英国君主制留下的另一大遗迹则是伦敦的皇室公园They were once reserved as private hunting grounds for the royal family, but nowadays theyre open for everyone to enjoy.。

这些公园原本为皇家的专有狩猎用地,如今均已向民众开放,供民众休闲娱乐There are eight royal parks, and many of them are in central London, and close to royal palaces and other historic monuments.。

皇室公园共有八个,大多位于伦敦市中心,与皇室宫殿和其他历史古迹相距不远Green Park and St Jamess Park are right next to Buckingham Palace, Admiralty Arch and the Mall。

.格林公园和圣詹姆斯公园就毗邻白金汉宫、海军拱门和林荫路Hyde Park is perhaps the most famous with its man-made lake the Serpentine。

, and on the other side, Kensington Gardens is a beautiful open expanse that stretches east towards Kensington Palace.

海德公园可以说是最富盛名的公园,里面有座人工湖蛇型湖,而另一头的肯辛顿花园则是一片美丽的开放绿地,向东延伸至肯辛顿宫The Albert Memorial is at the southern end of Kensington Gardens, and the striking bronze statue looks towards 。

the Royal Albert Hall just across the road.阿尔伯特纪念碑位于肯辛顿花园的南端,引人注目的铜像与皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅隔街相对The hall is yet another reminder of Queen Victorias great love for her husband, Prince Albert.。

这座音乐厅是维多利亚女王为她的丈夫阿尔伯特亲王所建,来纪念他们之间伟大的爱情Many of Londons greatest stories have begun in her houses of worship, and none is so impressive and important as 。

Westminster Abbey.伦敦许多伟大的传奇故事均起源于宗教场所,其中最为惊叹最具代表性的非威斯敏斯特教堂莫属This is where kings and queens have been crowned, married and even buried.。

历代英国国王和女王皆在此举行加冕仪式、结婚、甚至长眠于此London was rebuilt after the Great Fire in 1666, and St Pauls Cathedral is the most enduring monument to the citys transformation.

伦敦曾于1666年遭一场大火吞噬,而后进行了重建圣保罗大教堂是历经这座城市转型最历久不衰的典范Its a great testament to British strength and resilience.。

圣保罗大教堂亦是英国顽强生命力和强大适应力的有力见证The West End in central London is a story in itself.伦敦市中心的西区有其自成一格的特色Here the streets are lined with ancient buildings, but the。

throngs of people are out to have fun.这里的街道两旁林立着古老的建筑,成群结队的人出来找乐子By day, the charming boutiques and cafés 。

hum with shoppers, and by night, the bars along Carnaby Street are packed with patrons enjoying pre-show drinks.

白天,独具魅力的精品店和咖啡厅挤满了成群结队的购物者,夜幕降临时,卡纳比街上的酒吧则涌入了大量在表演开始前来喝上一杯的顾客This is one of the largest theater districts in the world.。

这里是全球最大的剧院区之一And at times it can feel like youre on a Monopoly Board, with Coventry Street, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus all close by.。

有时会让您有种身处大富翁游戏里的错觉,摄政街、特拉法加广场和皮卡迪利广场均近在咫尺Moving away from the historic center, Londons trendy suburbs offer a different kind of story.。

离开历史悠久的市中心,潮流的伦敦郊区则给人全然不同的感受The Portobello Road markets in Notting Hill attract thousands of visitors, especially to the antiques markets thats held on Saturdays, while the edgier Camden Town features six popular markets that are open every day of the week, and operate along her streets, the canal, and in her historic stables.。

位于诺丁山的波多贝罗市集吸引了数以千计的游客,尤其是周六的古董市集更受游客青睐,而更让人上头的康登镇受人追棒的市集则有六个,且全年无休,有的市集是在街道上、运河边、还有些甚至是在历史悠久的马厩里举行London is a city that honors not only her own story, but also the story of humankind.

伦敦不仅是一座有着悠久历史的城市,亦是人类发展历史的见证者The British Museum is one of the finest in the world, and her treasures cover thousands of years of history and number in the millions.。

大英博物馆是全世界最伟大的博物馆之一,馆中数百万件珍贵的藏品见证了数千年的历史The museum is open every day, and best of all, its free.大英博物馆不仅全年开放,且完全免费。

From the ancient to the modern, the London Eye offers a complete change of pace and perspective.从历史的长河中回到现代化社会,伦敦眼见证了人们步调和观点的全盘改变。

The massive wheel is over 400 feet high, and takes 30 minutes to complete one rotation.这座巨大的摩天轮高达四百英尺,需耗费30分钟才能转完一圈。

From here you can see the London of old, as well as some of the citys newest additions, all in air-conditioned comfort.

在这个设有空调的舒适空间里,既可将伦敦历史悠久的一面尽收眼底,亦可俯瞰现代社会的新晋成员London will always be a city that looks towards the past and the future in equal measure.。

伦敦永远是一座既缅怀过去又展望未来的城市From Rule Britannia to Cool Britannia, the fabric and the skyline of this city is forever。

turning over a new page, which is, after all, what every great story should do.从「统治吧!不列颠」到「酷不列颠」,这座城市的结构和天际线不停地向世人展示其崭新的一面,毕竟这是所有伟大故事应有的走向。

London is situated in the South-East of England in the Thames Valley.伦敦位于英格兰东南部的泰唔士河谷中位于、坐落于……Sth sits/is situated/is located + (adv./prep. )。

My home is conveniently located just a few minutes from the city center.我家离市中心只有几分钟路程, 交通便利This three-star hotel sits close to the city center.。

这家三星级酒店位于市中心附近Home to over 8 million people, the capital of the UK has been an important financial, educational and cultural 。

center for hundreds of years.英国首都伦敦拥有800万人口,数百年来一直是英国重要的金融、教育和文化中心Australia currently has/boasts a population of almost 23 million people.。

目前澳大利亚有近2300万人口The population of Tokyo estimated to be 东京的人口约为……With 1.426 billion inhabitants, India is the most populated country in the world.。

印度有14.26亿居民,是世界上人口最多的国家Of the many gifts England has given to the world, none has been greater than her language and literature.

在英国贡献给世界的众多礼物中,最伟大的莫过于其语言和文学none: not one, not any 没有一个/毫无代词,用来代替可数名词和不可数名词,none后无需再加名词All the tickets have been sold. There are none left.。

所有的票都已经卖完了,一张都不剩When he was tight on time, he wasted none.他在时间紧迫的时候,分秒都不浪费And if ever theres a city that reads like an epic saga, its London.。

如果说这世间有一城市堪比史诗传奇,那一定是伦敦if ever there’s something: 如果确实有…….If ever there is tomorrow when were not together, there is something you must always remember: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you imagine.。

如果有一天我们不在一起了,有一件事你必须永远记住:你比你认为的更勇敢,比你看起来的更强大,比你想象的更聪明The story of London began in the Bronze Age, but it didnt really 。

get going until the Romans withdrew in the 5th century.伦敦的历史始于青铜时代,但直至五世纪罗马人撤退后,这座城市才开始有所发展The Bronze Age was the time from around 2,000BC to 700BC when people used bronze.。

青铜时代是指从公元前2000年左右至公元前700年,人们使用青铜的时期get going:①leave a place to go somewhere else:I‘d better get going. 。

我得走了②to start or take place 开始发生、开始做They wanted to get going on the construction of the house.他们想开始建造房子。

Growing into one of the great medieval trading cities, she truly came of age in the 11th century, when William the Conqueror built the Tower of London, which was to become one of Englands grimmest prisons.

伦敦逐渐发展成中世纪重要的贸易城市,直至十一世纪才真正地发达起来,当时征服者威廉兴建了伦敦塔,后来这里成为了英国最为阴森的一座监狱come of age:① Sth reached its full development 。

成熟、发达During this period the movies really came of age as an art form.在这一时期,电影作为一种艺术形式真正地发展起来了②To reach adult status 。

成年、长大成人The company was to be held in trust for Andy until he came of age.该公司将由人代管直至安迪成年This world city 。

is filled with iconic symbols, and one of the most easily recognizable is Tower Bridge, an impressive reminder of

Londons rapid expansion during the Industrial Revolution.这座国际城市随处可见极具代表性的地标,其中辨识度最高的莫过于伦敦塔桥,它象征着工业革命时期伦敦的快速扩张。

a person, place, or period of time is filled with something充满、弥漫、洋溢His childhood was filled with happiness.

他有一个幸福的童年The kitchen is filled with the smell of fresh coffee.厨房里弥漫着新鲜咖啡的味道① easily recognizable: 易于辨认的

easily recognized/easily identified② instantly recognizable一眼就能认出After so many years she was still instantly recognizable.

过了这么多年,还是一眼就能认出她来a reminder of/ that: sth that makes you notice, remember, or think about sth 提醒、想起、回忆起。

Maggies story is a reminder of how vulnerable woman can be in what is still essentially a man’s world.

麦琪的故事提醒我们,在依然是男权主导的世界里,女性是多么地脆弱The drop in stock prices serves as a constant reminder that investing is a form of gambling.。

股票价格的下跌时刻提醒我们,股票投资是一种赌博行为Just upriver, at the Houses of Parliament, Big Bens reassuring chimes peal across。

the city every hour on the hour.往上游走一点,国会大厦的大本钟鼓舞人心的钟声整点准时响彻伦敦on the hour: at every hour exactly: one o‘clock, two o’clock, and so on 。

在某一整点Trains leave the station on the hour.火车整点离开车站every hour on the hour: at the beginning of each hour 。

在每个整点 I have to take this medicine every hour on the hour.我必须在每个小时的整点服用这种药Nearby, Kensington Palace is open to the public 。

year-round.附近的肯辛顿宫则是终年开放供民众参观year-round: 全年的(地);整整一年的(地)① 形容词:全年的;整整一年的Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine.。

古巴属于热带气候,终年阳光明媚②副词:throughout the entire year / all year round / all the year roundThey work 7 days a week year-round.。

他们全年工作无休Do you know any plants that can bloom all year round?你知道有什么植物可以一年四季开花吗?Its a great testament to 。

British strength and resilience.圣保罗大教堂亦是英国顽强的生命力和强大的适应力的有力见证a testament to sth: a thing that shows sth else exists or is true 。

证明、证据The new product is a testament to the skill and dedication of the workforce.新产品体现了全体员工的技术水平和敬业精神。

If you found this article useful, please like and share it. Thanks a million.如若觉得这篇文章有所帮助,麻烦亲爱的亲亲们帮忙点赞和分享!!! 万分感谢!!!



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