

2024-05-26Aix XinLe

Travel study—a new way to spend your holiday. Have you ever heard about



Travel study—a new way to spend your holiday. Have you ever heard about it?        When you have a travel study,you can see Big Ben,Sydney Opera House,the Statue of Liberty and so many other places. During the travel study,you may go traveling by yourself,or with your family or your friends.

        When you travel,you are in a different culture every day. You will be served with different new food and make new friends. You read all these from books in the past,but now it is real and you are part of it. Besides,you may also learn other cultures from your new friends because they are from different countries.

        Maybe you already have foreign teachers in your school to teach you English. But he or she will not stay to speak English with you all the time,right? During the travel study,you have to speak it every day and almost everywhere because you are in an English-speaking country!

        It also gives you a chance to live alone. That will teach you how to live. aWhat should I do if I lose my way in a foreign country?” “How can I buy what I want with my poor English?” You have to be clever and find answers for yourself.

        In conclusion,you can get a lot from the travel study.旅游学习——一种新的度假方式 你听说过吗?  当你进行旅行学习时,你可以看到大本钟、悉尼歌剧院、自由女神像和其他许多地方。

 在旅游学习期间,您可以独自旅行,也可以与家人或朋友一起旅行  当你旅行时,你每天都在不同的文化中 你会得到不同的新食物,结交新朋友 你过去从书中读到这些,但现在它是真实的,你是其中的一部分 此外,你也可以从你的新朋友那里学到其他的文化,因为他们来自不同的国家。

 也许你的学校已经有外教教你英语了 但他或她不会一直和你说英语,对吗? 在旅行学习中,你必须每天都说英语,因为你是在一个说英语的国家!  它也给了你一个独自生活的机会 这将教会你如何生活 如果我在国外迷路了该怎么办? “我英语这么差,怎么买我想要的东西?” 你得聪明点,自己找到答案。




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