Go to a favorite place, eat a favorite thing and think of a favorite per
1、人生至少要有两次冲动一次奋不顾身的爱情一次说走就走的旅行Life at least two times impulsive,one for desperate love,one for go trip
2、一辈子是场修行 短的是旅途长的是人生 A life is a practice short is the journey long is life
3、岁月是一场有去无回的旅行 好的坏的都是风景The years are a trip with no return good and bad are the scenery
4、说走就走是人生最华丽的奢侈也是最灿烂的自由 Saying go is the most magnificent luxury in life and the most splendid freedom
5、生命不长不短刚刚够用来好好看看这个世界 Life is not long, not short, just enough to look good and see the world
6、镜头里定格的每一瞬间 旅行中路过的每一风景Every moment in the camera every scenery passing by during the trip
7、去拥抱陌生 去期待惊喜 所有的不期而遇都在路上Embrace strangers and expect surprises.All unexpected encounters are on the road
8、去到一个喜欢的地方吃到一个喜欢的东西想到一个喜欢的人Go to a favorite place, eat a favorite thing and think of a favorite person
9、想要未知的疯狂想要声色的张扬 想要在最好的时光在最美地方Want unknown madness, want to make public, want to be in the best place at the best time
10、好吃的东西放进肚子里可爱的人要放在心里有趣的地方要和可爱的人一起去Put delicious food in your stomach. Lovely people should put it in interesting places and go with lovely people